Trigger Point Therapy is a massage modality designed to relieve pain and discomfort using focused pressure on bound muscle fiber in hyper-localized areas of the body. In this blog post, we'll explore the basics of Trigger Point Therapy, and how it can help to relieve pain and improve overall health and wellness.
What are Trigger Points?
To understand Trigger Points, we first have to understand basic muscle physiology. To put it simply, muscle fibers are able to contract via a mechanical process, wherein each fiber bundle receives an electrical signal from the brain, which causes stored calcium molecules to flood into the fiber chambers, and attach to receptors there. Opposing fibers, which have small feelers, then pull against the calcium molecules, causing contraction.
This mechanical process isn’t foolproof however and - like anything - is subject to malfunction. Trigger Points, in essence, are muscle fibers that incorrectly form, or respond to overload, injury, or repetitive strain, and subsequently remain in a protracted state of contraction, causing pain and discomfort in the affected area, and (often) refer pain to surrounding muscular regions.
How Does Trigger Point Therapy Work?
Trigger Point Therapy works by simply applying deep, focused pressure to the affected muscle fiber(s), which helps to reset the neuro-muscular interface, encouraging a return to normal functionality.
It's worth noting that the process can be painful, so it's important to communicate with your therapist. Doing so allows them to adjust and balance the treatment between your needs and tolerance level. Some residual muscle soreness is to be expected in the days following a session, and rarely lasts more than a few days.
Benefits of Trigger Point Therapy:
Relieves pain.
Reduces muscle tension, which helps improve flexibility and range of motion.
Increases circulation, which can help to promote recovery, and reduce inflammation.
Relaxed, pain free muscle helps to improve overall quality of life.
In conclusion, Trigger Point Therapy is a powerful tool for relieving pain and improving overall health and wellness. Whether you're dealing with an injury, chronic pain, or simply looking to improve your physical and mental well-being, Trigger Point Therapy can be an effective and safe solution. So, if you're struggling with pain or discomfort, schedule an appointment today!